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Florbela’s inspiration

5 April, 2022 June 10th, 2022 No Comments
The inspiration for the Florbela tapestry

We have created a new product FLORBELA , it is inspired by a feminine, flirtatious, intelligent and passionate woman with an adventurous and dreamy spirit, life did not allow her to give wings to her dreams and she turned her desire for freedom on paper, the poetess of love Florbela Spank.

She was a woman ahead of her time who had to endure the incomprehension of the world around her.

Forerunner of the feminist movement in Portugal, she had a tumultuous, restless life, transforming her intimate sufferings into poetry of the highest quality, charged with eroticism and femininity. His poetry captivates the soul, as if he were leaving it naked in front of a mirror.

There is a poem that portrays her like no other, it is Versos de Orgullo, published posthumously in the book Charneca em Flor, it is a poem that can help us like her, not forget ourselves, the sky that we bring to earth. For what ennobles life is always the mystery that springs from the depths of the soul, embellishes and dignifies it.

Verses of Pride

The world wants me bad because no one
He has wings like I have them! Why God
He made me born Princess among commoners
In a tower of pride and disdain!
Because my Kingdom is beyond!
Because I bring in my gaze the vast sky,
And because gold and brilliance are all mine!
Because I am I and because I am Someone!
The world! What is the world, oh my love?!
The garden of my verses all in bloom,
The harvest of your kisses, blessed bread,
My ecstasies, my dreams, my tiredness…
It’s your arms inside my arms:
Milky Way closing infinity!…

Florbela, a woman who did not resign herself to fulfilling the role that in the first third of the 20th century was reserved for women: her three divorces, her attempts to lead an independent life, the frankness of her erotic poetry, scandalized her. The critics always looked down on her: she seemed too spontaneous, too passionate, too feminine, in the most misogynistic sense of the word. A woman then was always a minor, who had to be guided to prevent her from falling down bad paths.